
Research Publication Roundup: February 2017

A vibrant and collaborative interdisciplinary research culture at the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media creates new knowledge, advances scholarship and helps reinvent media. Below is a list of recently published or presented scholarship by UNC Hussman faculty and students.

Dillman Carpentier, F. R. (2017). Priming: Memory, media, and minorities. In C. P. Campbell (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media and Race (pp. 55-64). New York, NY: Routledge.

In a recently published book chapter, Dillman Carpentier focuses on how news and entertainment media influence racial stereotypes. Through priming media can trigger and reinforce racial stereotypes, but it can also challenge them.

Hedding, K.J. & Riffe, D. (2016). Local papers use community way of life frames more often in coal mining stories. Newspaper Research Journal, 37(4), 377-392. DOI 10.1177/0739532916677047.

This study examines news coverage frames of environmental effect and economic development in coal mining communities. News frames were analyzed by coding coverage in mountaintop coal mining communites as well as Kentucky and West Virginia metro news.  All analyzed news came from regions that were dependent on the coal-mining industry.

Barnes, S. (2017). Studies in the Efficacy of Motion Graphics. Digital Journalism, 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2017.1279020.

This paper suggests that motion graphics can create a narrative structure by using four shots. There must be an establishing shot to provide context; an initial shot to depict the start of an activity or behavior (e.g., a dust storm forming); a peak shot of the climax of activity (e.g., the dust storm traversing a desert and blowing sand everywhere) and, finally, a release shot showing the impact of the activity (e.g., collapsed trees and scattered debris as result of the dust storm traversing the desert). This work is the fourth in a series of papers that Barnes has published about visual explanations in motion graphics.

Cabosky, J. M. (2016). Michael Sam Makes Great Gains for the LGBT Movement. In L. Capozzi and S. Spector (Eds.) Public Relations for the Public Good: How PR Shaped America’s Social Movements (pp. 39-52). New York: Business Expert Press.

In this book chapter, Cabosky argues that the success of the Sam support campaign depended on both traditional grass roots social movement tactics and modern public relations tactics. These public relation tactics were using social media to share repeated messages and message frames. This enabled the communications team to reach a variety of audiences.