Student-produced ‘Love is in the Fair’ featured in PBS Online Film Festival
“Love is in the Fair,” a short documentary film produced by three UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media students, has been selected as one of the 25 featured films in this year’s PBS Online Film Festival.
The short film takes the audience inside the nuanced world of teenage courtship and dating at the Wayne County Regional Agricultural Fair in Dudley, North Carolina. Former UNC UNC Hussman students Kelly Creedon ’15 (M.A.), Callaghan O’Hare ’15 and Sami Jorgensen ’15 produced the film in the fall of 2014 as part of a “Multimedia Narratives” course taught by faculty member Chad A. Stevens.
The film, which was published earlier this year by The Bitter Southerner, has also been featured in the National Geographic Short Film Showcase, The Atlantic and the New York International Children’s Film Festival.
During the three-week run of the PBS Online Film Festival, viewers are encouraged to watch, vote and share their favorite film by going to The film with the most votes will receive the “PBS People’s Choice” award. Additionally, for the first time ever, viewers can vote for their favorite film by logging in to their Facebook or Twitter account and sharing their favorite film titles using the hashtag #PBSolff. For updates on the festival, follow #PBSolff on Twitter.
The PBS Online Film Festival showcases powerful and engaging stories from filmmakers across the country. The festival has become a popular annual online event, attracting more than 1.5 million video streams over the first four years, as well as nominations in the Webby Awards.
This year’s voting period opens on Monday, July 11, and runs through Friday, July 29. Viewers can vote once per 24-hour period for their favorite films.