
UNC Hussman 2020 virtual yearbook

UNC Hussman’s Spring 2020 graduates dealt with an unprecedented, remote semester, and will be celebrating their graduation in person at the University at a future date. But the school still wanted to celebrate the accomplishments of an extraordinary group of students, whom Dean Susan King calls “the resilient class.” So a team led by a Undergraduate Hub Coordinator Alyssa Anderson and recent UNC Hussman alumna Laura Brache created a virtual yearbook for UNC Hussman’s class of 2020.

The site has a virtual photobook listing students’ areas of study, accomplishments and interests — with pages for both undergraduate and graduate students. The information is self-submitted, and students can still submit listings here.

The yearbook also features messages from the dean and alumni; a creative timeline of the Hussman 2020 class’ last four years; and a chance to thank favorite faculty and staff. 

You can find the virtual yearbook at