
Washington Experience course offers deep dive, live look into political communications

Students in Associate Professor Daniel Kreiss’ “MEJO 490: Washington Experience” course are headed north for their second trip to Washington, D.C.

In Fall 2017 semester, Kreiss’ 16 students have two trips slated for D.C., meeting with working professionals to learn the ins and outs of the business. The first trip was a one-day venture on Friday, Sept. 15. The Fall Break trip has students in the city from Tuesday, Oct. 17, through Friday, Oct. 20, and is considered the hallmark of the course.

Students visit a diverse group of media outlets, focusing on public relations firms in addition to other traditional forms of media, like newspapers and television, a testament to UNC Hussman’s vast network of alumni and friends.

MEJO 490 course sections are reserved for special topics in mass communication and are small classes with subjects and instructors varying each semester. This section — never before offered by the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media — prepares students for a dynamic future in political communications by facilitating networking trips and opportunities in the nation’s capital.

During the September trip, students met with three working professionals — Katie Harbath, global politics and government outreach director at Facebook; Chris Wallace, anchor of Fox News Sunday; and Christina Reynolds ’97, UNC Hussman alumna and senior vice president for Global Strategy Group.

Senior public relations major Emma Catherine Harrison enjoys being able to learn from professionals outside of her current curriculum.

“I am not a journalist,” Harrison says. “Getting to meet with Chris Wallace was really interesting because I was able to learn about the reporting side of politics.”

Harrison also feels the Washington Experience is putting her on track for a successful post-graduate life and career in the area, especially since she wants to break into a field that has fewer women traditionally.

During the fall break trip, students will visit heavy-hitters such as Buzzfeed, Politico, the Washington Post, Bloomberg, Senator Richard Burr’s office and Burson-Marsteller.

Then, in November, Blair Ellis ’13 and Michael Steel ’99 will come to Chapel Hill to visit Kreiss’ class. Ellis is the Deputy National Press Secretary for the Republican National Committee. Steel is the Managing Director of Hamilton Place Strategies. Both are UNC Hussman alumni.

Engaging with professionals across party lines has left an impact on students in the class.

“The most rewarding experience,” says Harrison, “would have to be the conversations I had with my fellow classmates.”

Harrison says the September trip to Washington prompted a three-hour bipartisan conversation where everyone felt comfortable to voice their opinions. This was the first time she has had such an opportunity at UNC. 

“I really got to listen to the stories and hear the opinions of some of my fellow classmates from both sides of the aisle.”