Suman Lee
Suman Lee teaches and conducts research on international public relations, public diplomacy, public relations theory and international communication.
His articles have appeared in Communication Research, Public Relations Review, Corporate Reputation Review, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, International Journal of Business Communication, International Communication Bulletin, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Public Relations Quarterly, Visual Communication Quarterly, and Journal of Visual Literacy.
Lee ranked as the second most productive author on global public relations according to an article (Ki & Ye, 2017) in Public Relations Review, which examined a total of 163 published journal articles from 2001 to 2014.
Lee has conducted a series of studies to examine international public relations investment of other countries in the US including its influence on news content, time-series analysis on return on investment, and public sentiment. His recent projects in international public relations examine public diplomacy strategies of the US and South Korea and conceptualize a comparative fairness perception of global publics.
Before joining UNC, Lee served as faculty at Iowa State University. Prior to academia, he worked as a public relations professional at Samsung in Seoul, Korea.
- Ph.D., Syracuse University
- M.A., San Diego State University
- B.A., Yonsei University