Spring Break 2018: Immersive student experiences locally, nationally, internationally

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Puerto Rico — "MEJO 584: Documentary Multimedia Storytelling" 

March 8-19

Professor Pat Davison and adjunct professors Christa Gala and Tamara Rice will take 25 photo, video, reporting and advertising students to San Juan, Puerto Rico over spring break to create Aftermath, a multimedia documentary website that will explore Puerto Rico's changing environmental landscape and the ongoing public health ramifications caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. In 2017, the class traveled to Cuba and produced Cuba's New Wave, which won the 2017 Online News Association David Teeuwen Student Journalism Award for large newsrooms. 

London — "MEJO 447: International Media Markets"

March 9-17

Associate Professor Rhonda Gibson will lead the "MEJO 447: International Media Markets" class to London over spring break. Gibson and her class will visit companies such as Google, Bloomberg, Facebook, BBC News, APCO Worldwide and The New York Times to learn about how the U.K. media market differs from the U.S. market and how these companies are preparing for Brexit. This will be the third year Gibson has taught this course.

Milan, Florence — Workroom FashionMash program 

March 9-19

Six students from the Workroom FashionMash program will travel to Milan, Italy and Florence, Italy to study fashion media, branding, design and production. During the trip, the group will visit Cartier. During the fall 2017 semester, FashionMash students created an interactive exhibit called "Status: The Cartier Experience." The exhibit explored what status means in the 21st century, outlining Cartier's history and the brand's influence on the fashion world. During the 2017 trip, students met with Refinery 29 London and Cartier Paris. Workroom FashionMash director and professor of the practice Dana McMahan will be accompanying the group.

San Francisco — Student Networking Trip

March 11-14

Hussman School students will attend a spring break networking trip in San Francisco from March 11-14. In the past, students met with professionals from Google, Facebook, FleishmanHillard, EA Sports and Airbnb. Led by Director of Career Services Jay Eubank, students on this year’s trip will spend one day in San Francisco and one day in Silicon Valley. 

Raleigh — CBC-UNC Diversity Fellowship Program

March 14-18

In partnership with Capitol Broadcasting Company (CBC) in Raleigh, the Hussman School will host an intensive hands-on workshop led by WRAL-TV professionals and UNC media and journalism faculty. The CBC-UNC Diversity Fellowship Program, which funds 12 top college seniors or graduate students from across the country, is designed to prepare participants for future broadcast media careers and help increase diversity in the industry.