Special Topics Courses

These courses cover specialized topics and can be taken multiple times if the topics are different. All courses are offered at 3.0 credit hours and may fulfill various requirements within the school. You can find the courses that satisfy your specific MEJO curriculum listed below each course description.

To enroll in 3.0 hours, you will need to manually change the defaulted 1.0 credit hour to 3.0 before submitting your enrollment. Please note that some courses may require permission from the instructor.


Summer 2024

MEJO 390-02M (Maymester) Drone Storytelling (3 Hours)

Mondays – Fridays 9:00 a.m.- 12:15 p.m.

Taught by Associate Professor Steven King

This intensive two-week course combines the art of storytelling with the technical skills required to create drone content and to obtain the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Remote Pilot License. Designed for aspiring journalists and media professionals, this course equips students with the knowledge and practical skills needed to create visually captivating and narrative-rich photos and videos using drones, while also ensuring their readiness for the FAA Remote Pilot Exam. This class is open for all majors and non-traditional students.

Satisfies one of the following: Choice; AD/PR Level 1 or Level 2; JRN Level 1 or Level 2.


MEJO 390-01S (Summer Session I) Special Skills in Mass Communication (3 Hours)

Study Abroad Program (YAP 303-001 Study in France)

Taught by Professor Charlie Tuggle

Satisfies one of the following: Choice; AD/PR Level 2; JRN Level 2


Fall 2024

MEJO 390-001 Rise & Shine/Carolina Ahora (3 Hours)

Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM

Taught by Professor Leyla Santiago with permission from the instructor: lsant@email.unc.edu

Rise & Shine/Carolina Ahora offers students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the live production of a morning and/or Spanglish digital newscast every week. Students will be responsible for creating content and running a variety of positions in the field, studio and control room.

Rise & Shine is a morning show that highlights arts and lifestyle in the community. Carolina Ahora is a newscast that provides news-of-day content and issues impacting the Latino/a/x community. This course offers students hands-on experience for the production of 15-minute digital newscasts that cater to morning TV and/or a Spanglish audience. You will learn what it takes to succeed in fast-paced and demanding newsrooms by writing, filming, producing and editing in the field, studio and control room on a weekly basis. As a member of the team, you will have the opportunity to tackle critical roles in news production, including executive producer, technical director, floor director, graphics producer, digital producers, reporters, videographers, anchors and prompter tech.

Satisfies one of the following: Choice; JRN Level 2.


MEJO 490-001: Advanced Creative Portfolio (3 Hours)

Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Taught by Instructor Mitch Bennett

A highly focused, hands-on class dedicated to concepting and creating spec creative ad campaigns that showcase the student’s thought process and potential through an online portfolio. Prerequisites are MEJO 371 and an insatiable passion for getting a foot in the door of a creative department.

Satisfies one of the following: Conceptual; Choice; AD/PR Level 2 or Level 3.


MEJO 490-002: Entertainment/Celebrity Public Relations (3 Hours)

Mondays & Wednesdays, 12:20 p.m. – 1:35 p.m.

Taught by Professor of the Practice Julie Dixon-Green Permission of the instructor: julesdixon@unc.edu

Have you ever wondered what it is like to work with celebrity and sports A-List STARS!?? In this creative, fun MASTER CLASS of “Star-Making,” Hall of Fame Publicist and Professor of the Practice Jules Dixon-Green will share her publicist world of the past 30 years. Dixon-Green will teach you the PR skills needed to break in and SUCCEED in entertainment/celebrity PR. This PR course will include a deep dive into specific media relations strategy, content management, A-list brand building, and celebrity crisis relations.

MEJO 137 is the absolute Pre-req. Open only to AD/PR majors. Interested students are highly recommended to take "MEJO 332: PR Writing."

Satisfies one of the following: Conceptual; Choice; AD/PR Level 2 or Level 3.


MEJO 490-003: Covering and Engaging Latino Community (3 Hours)

Mondays & Wednesdays, 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

This course will dive into the nuances of the Latino/a/x community in the U.S. and the best practices to responsibly engage and cover the rapidly growing population. Students will explore the various facets of the community to understand why it should not be considered a monolith when analyzing issues like health, politics, religion, immigration, business, and the economy. The course will give future journalists and communication professionals a better understanding of how to successfully reach the Latino/a/x community for newsgathering or targeting in strategic communication campaigns.

Satisfies one of the following: Conceptual or Choice.


MEJO 490-004: Advertising, Media & Society (3 Hours)

Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:10 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.

Taught by Assistant Professor Lee McGuigan

An exploration of advertising in American society, from the emergence of mass media to the role of influencers and adtech in the internet economy. We will learn how the

advertising, technology, and media industries relate to each other; how advertisements and brands communicate meaning within popular culture; and how digital advertising uses data about people’s lifestyles and identities, sometimes raising concerns about privacy and discrimination. The central proposition is that understanding media and society today requires a close look at the past, present, and future of advertising.

Satisfies one of the following: Conceptual, Choice, AD/PR Level 2 or 3.


MEJO 490-005: Workroom FashionMash Editorial (3 Hours)

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Taught by Professor of the Practice Dana McMahan Permission of the instructor: dmcmahan@email.unc.edu

What does it mean to develop an editorial look for fashion? Visual editorial is a genre of photography and video focused on telling a story without words. Master photographers and filmmakers gather a wide spectrum of creative specialists to design otherworldly environments where styling forms the nucleus of a concept. The concepts are often outlandish and use clothing to focus on the narrative rather than wearability. Fashion curation, casting, makeup/hair, artmaking, set building and unusual film techniques all work in concert in these powerful visual collaborations. In this class, you will explore what it takes to bring these conceptual moments to life. Industry experts will join you to inspire and offer tips on how their teams produce breathtaking work for fashion brands. The results of this semester’s work will provide you with extensive material for your fashion creative portfolio.

Satisfies one of the following: Conceptual; Choice; AD/PR Level 2 or Level 3. Satisfies the following: Fashion Communication & Marketing Certificate.


MEJO 490-006: News, Media Strategy and Company Performance (3 Hours)

Mondays & Wednesdays, 4:40 p.m. - 5:55 p.m.

Taught by Instructor James Pierpoint

Using current events, this course examines the interplay between corporate communications strategy and journalistic news coverage and how both affect a company’s performance and reputation.

Satisfies one of the following: Conceptual; Choice; AD/PR Level 3; JRN Level 3.

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