Certificate open house set for Sept. 26

The Certificate in Technology and Communication's annual open house and orientation will be held from 10 a.m. - noon, on Friday, Sept. 26, in Carroll Hall on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. Instructors from most of our courses will be available to answer questions and to discuss their courses with you.

Please RSVP to Rachel Lillis (lillis@unc.edu).

The Certificate in Technology and Communication is a graduate-level program taught completely online. The courses, which are aimed at working professionals, are offered in the fall and spring semesters. Students completing any four of the five classes earn a certificate.  An academic certificate is comprised of a series of post-baccalaureate courses that enables a student to explore a specific area of study. Like a master's or doctoral degree, a certificate is offered by a host academic department, is approved by UNC-Chapel Hill's Graduate School, and is related to an academic area of study.

More information is available at http://www.jomc.unc.edu/de.