Good Morning America

Good Morning America

Carolina hosted ABC-TV’s “Good Morning America” program Saturday, Sept. 20, live from Polk Place. Carroll Hall, home of the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media, served as the backdrop.

The show’s production crew used Carroll Hall as work space for the broadcast.

UNC is the program’s only stop in North Carolina for “50 States in 50 Days,” part of ABC’s presidential election coverage. Carolina is the only college or university selected as a host. This marked the third live “Good Morning America” broadcast from Polk Place in recent years.

The program reaches an audience estimated at more than 2.5 million viewers.

Locally, WTVD aired the show from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. The national broadcast ran from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. with local affiliates around the country selecting different hour-long segments to air.

The show featured several segments highlighting students, the campus and the local community. Highlights included conversations with students about the election, current events and their expectations after graduation. Other segments featured the Tar Heel Pep Band and students competing in an Iron Chef event.