Jan. 26 PhotoNight features Travis Dove

PhotoNight with Travis DoveTravis Dove, former College Photographer of the Year, will be the guest speaker at the first PhotoNight of the spring semester on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. in Carroll Hall room 33.

Dove is a N.C.-based freelance photographer. In recent years his work has been recognized by Pictures of the Year International, World Press Photo, the National Press Photographers Association, and the White House News Photographers Association, among others.

While working toward a master’s degree in photography at Ohio University School of Visual Communication, he was named the 2007 College Photographer of the Year and awarded a prestigious one-year photo internship with National Geographic Magazine. Travis has worked for several American newspapers including The Boston Globe and The Charlotte Observer, and his work has appeared in large and small publications across the globe. Recent clients include National Geographic Magazine, Rolling Stone and The New York Times.

PhotoNight is an opportunity for students, professionals and enthusiasts to come together and share work. The evening is designed to give photographers the chance to learn from each other and develop their own style. PhotoNights are held around the world, providing an avenue for the enhancement of the photojournalism community.

For more information contact Chad Stevens at chadstevens@unc.edu.