Monica Hill, scholastic media director, honored for service

Monica Hill accepts Paschal AwardMonica Hill, director of the North Carolina Scholastic Media Association, was awarded the 2007 James F. Paschal Award by the Columbia Scholastic Press Advisers Association.

The honor is given for meritorious service to a state scholastic press association. It is named for the late director of the Oklahoma Interscholastic Press Association and editor of The CSPAA Bulletin, this

Visit the association’s Web site for a Paschal Award winners since 1987.

As director of the School's high school media program, Monica Hill works with the state's journalism teachers and students. The N.C. Scholastic Media Association promotes scholastic journalism programs and services. NCSMA offers fall and spring regional workshops and a summer Institute. The association also coordinates a publication contest for student publications and a fellowship program for N.C. high school journalism teachers.

Hill is also head of the Scholastic Journalism Division of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; state director and awards committee member of Journalism Education Association; board consultant for Southern Interscholastic Press Association; and Crown Awards judge for Columbia Scholastic Press Association.

Before joining the School's staff, she served as director of Alabama Scholastic Press Association at the University of Alabama and worked as copy editor for The Birmingham (Ala.) News.