JOMC 690

Advanced Advertising Campaign Planning

The purpose of this course is to prepare the UNC-Chapel Hill entry for the AAF-sponsored National Student Advertising Competition. Students from all sequences are encouraged to participate. There are roles for people with interest, training and skills in interactive, promotion and event marketing, public relations, graphic arts, all the components of an integrated marketing communications campaign besides advertising. Students collectively will produce a 40-page campaign plan book and a 20-minute presentation that will be delivered in April at the district competition, and if successful there, again in June at the national level. Prospective class members should have taken the basic courses in their sequence; e.g., advertising majors should have taken 137, 271 and 272 at a School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Spring 2014, page 6 minimum. Enrollment is limited to 20 people, and preference will be given to students who have been recommended by a faculty member. Permission of the instructor required. This course will satisfy an advertising specialization requirement. AD.