Carolina J-school students launch "Now What Argentina?" documentary multimedia website

What Next, Argentina?The UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media released Tuesday (Oct. 12) "Now What Argentina?" ( - a collection of student-produced multimedia stories about life in Buenos Aires nearly a decade after the most devastating economic crisis in Argentina’s history.

In 2001, Argentina's economy collapsed, leading to deep economic and social disruption. "Now What, Argentina?" explores the history of this crisis, the adaptations of the people and the enduring Argentinean culture.

The site’s debut follows a month-long foreign reporting assignment in which UNC journalism students collaborated with Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina journalism students to produce a multimedia website detailing the lingering effects of the country's economic crash. This project not only raises awareness of Argentina’s struggles to a broad international audience but also illuminates the financial crises that are currently challenging people around the globe.

The students, guided by faculty and professional journalists, used photos, audio, video, 360º panoramic photos, information graphics and design to examine the lasting effects of the 2001 economic collapse. The stories range from political violence and drug addiction to tango and soccer, and much more.

View the project at