Cloud recognized by American Copy Editors Society

Bill Cloud, who teaches editing at the school, is this year’s winner of the Glamann Award from the American Copy Editors Society.

Cloud is being honored for nearly 30 years in the classroom at the school and for his work with ACES since the organization was founded. In both roles, he has been a strong advocate for the need for editing.

The annual award recognizes people and organizations that have contributed to the society and the craft. It is named for Hank Glamann, ACES co-founder and a former member of the organization's executive committee.

Cloud was a coordinator for the first ACES conference in Chapel Hill in 1997. Since then, he has led sessions at nearly every ACES conference, and he has served on the organization’s Education Fund.

Cloud, a graduate of the University of Missouri, has taught editing at the school since the early 1980s. He previously worked as a reporter and copy editor at the Miami Herald and Newsday.

During his teaching career, Cloud’s classes at the school have inspired countless students to pursue careers in editing. He also led several "boot camps" at the school as part of the Dow Jones News Fund editing program.

"I took Bill Cloud’s class when I was still trying to figure out what a copy editor was and if I wanted to be one," said Katie Schwing, an editor at HDR, an architecture/engineering firm in Colorado. “After his class, there was no doubt that I did. He taught me not only nuts and bolts grammar and style, but also the importance of what we do."

Cloud has also served as co-director of the Summer Institute for Midcareer Copy Editors, sponsored by the Knight Foundation, which brought editors to Chapel Hill for training and discussion. He is co-author of "The Financial Writer's Stylebook" with school colleague Chris Roush.

The Glamann Award was announced Friday, March 18, at the 15th ACES national conference in Phoenix, a gathering of more than 250 editors from newspapers, magazines, academia and the corporate world. The 2012 conference will take place in New Orleans.