Two J-school projects are finalists for 2010 Online Journalism Awards

The UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media’s “Powering a Nation” and “Living Galapagos” multimedia sites are finalists in 2010 Online Journalism Awards given by the Online News Association. The winners will be announced in a ceremony on Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Marriott Renaissance in Washington, D.C.

“Powering a Nation” – a finalist in the “Multimedia Feature Presentation, Small Site” category – investigates the political, economic, and scientific tensions behind U.S. energy through advanced reporting to engage citizens and inspire informed decision-making. It is Carolina’s contribution to the News21 project of the Carnegie-Knight Initiative on the Future of Journalism Education. 

Living Galapagos – a finalist in the “Multimedia Feature Presentation, Student” category – is the first in-depth multimedia project on the web examining the impact of man in the Galapagos Islands.