Junck Research Colloquium with Khadijah Costley White

Friday, October 4, 2019 -
2:30pm to 3:30pm

Halls of Fame

About the Event

The Junck Colloquium with Khadijah Costley White will occur on Friday, Oct. 4, in the Halls of Fame room (Carroll 128) from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.





Khadijah Costley White, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University

Race, News, and Branding the Right-Wing - The Tea Party and the Media

In many ways, the Tea Party movement that rose in 2010 was a preamble to the Trump presidency-- examining its rise in news brings clarity to contemporary media narratives on right-wing activism and ideology.

Tea Party news coverage shows that race, gender, and class were essential to its influence and the enduring significance of its narrative.

In particular, reporters who framed and helped brand the Tea Party told a story about how race is understood and deployed in contemporary media and politics.

This research discusses the centrality of race in propelling and proliferating Tea Party news coverage, how that connects to branding and the five ideologies of racism in journalism that emerged.