Hussman School students win 27 awards from Society for News Design

Students from the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media took home 27 awards — the biggest haul of awards from any one university — from the Society for News Design's student contest. This is the sixth consecutive year that Hussman School students have won the most awards in the annual student design competition.

"Every year, I have been incredibly proud of our students as they have consistently led the way in multiple categories of design, multimedia and infographics," said Associate Professor Terence Oliver. "This says a lot about our students, faculty and goals of high achievement here at the School of Media and Journalism."

The school won first, second and third place in both the digital storytelling and infographics categories, and won at least first place in animated infographic, iPad magazine, magazine spread, special section and standalone media.

"When designing the Prologue iPad Magazine, I wanted the team to focus on clean, usable layouts that optimized the user's experience," said Lisa Dzera, the Prologue iPad design director. "We worked hard to ensure that every feature and interaction had a specific purpose designed to make the app easy and enjoyable to navigate."

Animated Infographic

Art & Illustration

  • "Up, Up and Away," Haley Huckabee, second place
  • "Bugs," Peter Carr, third place
  • "NASA," Gentry Sanders, honorable mention

Digital Storytelling

  • "Divided by the Sea," Andrea Patino, first place
  • "Rooted in the Rapids," UNC Hussman School team, second place
  • "Raising the Score," UNC Hussman School team, third place

Features Page

  • "How to Make Honey," Sarah Delk, third place

iPad Magazine

  • "Prologue," UNC Hussman School team, first place
  • "Twang," UNC Hussman School team, second place


  • "Bugs," Peter Carr, first place
  • "Like a Girl—Empowerment and Inequality in Women's Sports," Victoria Price, second place
  • "The Common Goldfish," Cori Dymond, third place
  • "Attending the Ballet," Ally Levine, honorable mention
  • "Pixar," Haley Huckabee, honorable mention

Magazine Cover

  • "Behind the Bruises," Carolyn Bahar, third place
  • "Solstice," UNC Hussman School team, honorable mention
  • "Prologue," UNC Hussman School team, honorable mention

Magazine Spread

  • "Miley Cyrus," Haley Huckabee, first place
  • "Bugs," Peter Carr, second place

News on a Magazine Device or iPad

  • "Twang," UNC Hussman School team, honorable mention

Promotions & Advertisements

  • "Native Beverage Company," Sarah Delk

Special Section

  • "Lennon," Gentry Sanders, tie for first place

Sports Page

  • "Good, Better, Best," Lucy Manning, second place
  • "Like a Girl—Empowerment and Inequality in Women's Sports," Victoria Price, third place
  • "The Ultimate Sport," William Bourret, honorable mention

Standalone Media

The Society for News Design is an international organization for news media professionals and visual communicators who creat print, web, mobile publications and products. The student SND competition is hosted by the University of Missouri and Michigan State University each spring.