Journalism/mass communication graduates report success in job market

Recent graduates of the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media are reporting success finding jobs within six months of graduating.

The school has surveyed graduating classes since 2010 to provide insight on trends in the job market our graduates are entering. Our survey is not scientific, but the trends it reveals are clearly positive.

82.6 percent of survey respondents from the May 2012 graduating class reported having a job. That is a 6.2 percentage point increase over 2011, and a 10 percentage point increase over 2010.

Nearly half of the graduates who were not employed were attending graduate school, preparing for graduate school or traveling.

Here are the numbers:

 May 2012  82.6%  73.0%
 May 2011  76.4%  60.5%
 May 2010  72.6%  53.1%

Many of our graduates are landing jobs with titles and functions that did not exist only a few years ago.

The skills and critical thinking we teach our students make them nimble and adaptable to a rapidly changing job market.

Whether our students study journalism, advertising or public relations, we’re finding that a degree from UNC and its rich liberal arts culture is highly valued and sought after by employers.