Junior Danielle Chemtob '19 wins international SABEW Best in Business student prize

Danielle Chemtob '19 is a student winner in the international Society of American Business Editors and Writers’ (SABEW) Best in Business contest. She won in the “stories written for professional publication” category.

Chemtob’s winning piece, “Fiscal woes plague students at N.C.'s HBCUs,” was produced in August 2017 as a cover story for the Triangle Business Journal. The story focuses on student debt at HBCUs in North Carolina, outlining rising costs of attendance, falling enrollment rates, lack of outside funding and institutional challenges universities face.

SABEW judges wrote, “Reporter Danielle Chemtob took an in-depth look at the high amount of debt taken on by students at historic black colleges and universities. Though the story included a lot of hard data on rising tuition costs and flat wages, she kept it interesting and personal by speaking to students and school leaders.”

Like Chemtob’s other work, “Fiscal woes plague students at N.C.'s HBCUs” showcases a passion for producing compelling and data-driven stories.

Chemtob is now a state politics and accountability intern at The News & Observer and senior reporter at The Daily Tar Heel. She will intern at The Wall Street Journal in Summer 2018.

SABEW’s Best in Business awards recognize outstanding business journalism conducted by students and professionals in the United States and abroad. In 2017, the organization received nearly 1,000 total entries across 68 categories.

This is the 22nd time since 2004 that a Hussman School student or group of students has been recognized by the SABEW student contest.

Previous honors include:

  • 2016:
    • Sarah Chaney, professional publication category (honorable mention)
    • Joe Baglio, Elizabeth Fleischer, Elizabeth Harvell, Natalie Hoberman, Lauren Hong, Lauren Thomas, Evanne Timberlake, Justina Vasquez, Hailey Waller and Wei Zhou, student publication category (honorable mention)
  • 2014:
    • Jennifer Surane, professional publication category (finalist)
    • Jonathan LaMantia, professional publication category (finalist)
    • Samantha Sabin, student publication category (finalist)
  • 2013:
    • Caitlin McCabe, professional publication category (winner)
    • Nick Shchetko, professional publication category (finalist)
    • Caitlin McCabe, student publication category (finalist)
  • 2012:
    • Melvin Backman, student publication category (winner)
    • Jeanna Smialek, professional publication category (honorable mention)
  • 2011:
    • Sarah Frier, professional publication category (winner)
    • Daniel Wiser, student publication category (honorable mention)
    • Tarini Parti, professional publication category (honorable mention)
  • 2009:
    • Andrew Dunn, professional publication category (winner)
    • Matt Lynley, student publication category (winner)
  • 2008:
    • Cartarina Saraiva, professional publication category (winner)
    • Laura Marcinek, student publication category (winner)
  • 2007:
    • Daniel Johnson, professional publication category (winner)
  • 2006:
    • Amy Thomson, professional publication category (honorable mention)
  • 2005:
    • Emily Steel, professional publication category (winner)
  • 2004:
    • John Frank and Emily Steel, student publication category (winner)