UNC Hussman Undergraduate Hub


Welcome to the Undergraduate Hub, the one-stop shop for UNC Hussman students needing help with Academic Advising, Career Services or Global and Immersive Programs.


Academic Advising

Hussman Advising is accepting appointments both in-person and virtually. Drop-in hours are also available.

Virtual drop-in hours:

MTh: 10 a.m.-noon, 1 - 3 p.m.
TuW: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., 2 - 4 p.m. 



Career Services

Career Services is available by appointment only.  Both in-person and virtual appointments are available. 


Global and Immersive Programs 

Global and Immersive Programs is available by appointment only. Both in-person and virtual appointments are available.


Special Funding Resources

If you have unique financial needs that aren’t addressed on this page, email the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid at aidinfo@unc.edu and explain your situation and request assistance.

In addition, the John B. Adams Emergency Fund assists Hussman students in need around their professional work, such as a webcam or a hotspot to boost internet capability. To make a request for the fund, fill out this form.

Please email hussmanfunding@unc.edu for more information or for assistance in navigating funding opportunities at Carolina.