UNC J-school students place in Hearst broadcast, photojournalism and writing competitions

Three UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media students placed in the writing, broadcast and photojournalism categories of the 2014-15 Hearst Journalism Awards.

Susanna Black, a broadcast and electronic journalism major from Concord, N.C., placed second in the television broadcast features competition for a report about swinging foot bridges that aired on the school’s weekly newscast, “Carolina Week.”

Her report was selected from 76 entries from students at 45 schools. With the win, she will receive a $2,000 award.

Dillon Deaton, a photojournalism major from Asheville, N.C., won fifth place and a $1,000 award in the photojournalism news and features competition. His winning image was selected from 106 entries submitted from students at 59 schools.

Caitlin McCabe, a May 2014 reporting specialization graduate who just completed an internship at The Wall Street Journal, placed fifth in the enterprise reporting category. She will receive a $1,000 award for a story written for Synapse magazine about how universities deal with students struggling with mental health issues. The category had 108 entries submitted from students at 62 schools.

The UNC J-school receives matching grants for each of the wins. 

Both Black and Deaton will submit additional entries for a semi-final round of judging to participate in the Hearst Journalism Awards individual national championships.

The school finished fourth overall — and third in photojournalism, broadcast and multimedia — in the 2013-14 Intercollegiate Competition of the Hearst Journalism Awards. The school has finished in the top 5 overall of the Hearst competitions every year since 2004.