Students, faculty traveled to Malawi over spring break to document CARE maternal health project

UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media students and faculty spent spring break in Malawi as part of a documentary partnership with CARE.

J-school faculty Steven King, Chad Stevens, Pat Davison and Ross Taylor led a team of 23 students enrolled in the school's "Documentary Multimedia Storytelling" course to document CARE's maternal health initiatives in the Ntcheu region of Malawi.

See project updates on Twitter by following the hashtag #uncCARE15.

View photos taken by students and faculty members during their time in Malawi. 

They met with CARE staff and the people who benefit from its Maternal Health Alliance Project. The class produced videos, infographics and written pieces for a documentary site published by CARE. CARE is underwriting the project with a grant.

The school has a long tradition of award-winning international documentary projects — the most recent being Living Galapagos which won a People's Voice Webby Award and a South by Southwest Interactive Award.

Photo courtesy of CARE.