J-school student-created bilingual concert 'Pulso Pulso' to debut April 7 at UNC's Memorial Hall

Members of the Chapel Hill community and beyond are invited to celebrate North Carolina's fusion of Hispanic and American culture Tuesday, April 7, at 8 p.m. for "Pulso Pulso" — a UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media student-created bilingual event featuring area musicians.

"Pulso Pulso" was created by students in professor of the practice Dana McMahan's spring 2015 advertising classes, in which students were charged with building awareness of Latina/o culture in the Chapel Hill community. The project was made possible with support from independent radio broadcast company Curtis Media Group, which owns La Ley 101.1 FM. La Ley — a Spanish contemporary radio station — is the largest Spanish-language station between New York and Florida.

For the event, five acts — including campus groups the Loreleis and Clefhangers — blend English and Spanish into their show. Spanish-English fusion is a new concept for Carrboro favorites Skinny Bag of Sugar, who will immerse their energy-filled rock style in a Latin flair.

The lineup also includes: Ellis Dyson and The Shambles, a band largely made of jazz musicians from the UNC campus; vocalist Joelle of One Paper Crane; Fayetteville classical guitarist Jimmy Roman; and Charlotte’s Marcel Portilla Band.

"We're asking everyone to look at their influences, what they traditionally like to play, and do some reinterpretation," said McMahan. "It will be exciting to see bands that don't normally do Latin-based sounds bring that to their repertoire, and vice-versa."

The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with salsa dancing on the brick patio outside Memorial Hall. Que Rico, the dance team from UNC’s CHispA group will be there leading the crowd and offering lessons for those new to salsa. The concert will begin immediately after at 8 p.m.

Food trucks will be on site. Wine, beer and desserts will be available from Sugarland.

Tickets are $10 and can be ordered online at pulsopulsoshow.com or purchased at the Memorial Hall box office on UNC campus.

The event is sponsored by Curtis Media Group and the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media.

UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media contact:
Dana McMahan, professor of the practice, dmcmahan@email.unc.edu, (919) 434-1229