WANTED: Accounting Manager

The Business and Finance Office manages the business, finance, sponsored research, human resources and facilities for the School of Media and Journalism. The Accounting Manager will serve as the principal deputy to the Assistant Dean for Business and Finance in day-to-day financial operation and long-range financial planning and direction of the School. This position has oversight of $17.5 million in expendables and another $47 million in endowment funding held by the School of Media and Journalism Foundation Inc. and UNC Chapel Hill Foundation Inc. The position will lead the finance team in accounting for, reporting on and safeguarding the financial resources of the School and its affiliated Foundation in a manner that supports the School’s mission. The finance team is committed to issuing accurate and timely financial information, as well as providing the highest level of customer service to faculty, staff and students.

For more information and to apply, visit unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/157258.