A Fashionista With A Flair For Entrepreneurship

Story by University Development
Originally published Feb 27, 2018, on stories.unc.edu

“You can use fashion to empower people, even people who say they’re not interested in fashion. If I’m going to start something, I want to start something that is a force for good and something positive that will uplift you when you look at it.”

Alexandra Hehlen ’18 has always had a passion for writing about fashion. A Robertson Scholar from Los Alamos, New Mexico, she founded Coulture magazine as a sophomore to further pursue her interests, fill a void she discovered in student journalism, challenge the fashion industry’s norms and make fashion accessible to everyone.

Carolina’s only fashion and lifestyle magazine, Coulture, is supported through the School of Media and Journalism’s Workroom: FashionMash initiative — which is made possible by a $1 million gift from alumni Bill and Leigh Goodwyn.