'100 Gallons' wins at Pictures of the Year International

The UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media’s Powering a Nation project won two multimedia awards in the 70th annual Pictures of the Year International (POYi) competition for “100 Gallons.” 

It was the only student-produced work to win in the competition.

The project, which explores how water powers life, was named a Documentary of the Year finalist along with multimedia projects from The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post.

Recent graduates Joshua Davis and Stephanie Bullins and senior Spencer Bakalar won an Award of Excellence in the Multimedia Documentary category for “Fractured,” which was produced for “100 Gallons.”

100 Gallons
"100 Gallons"
Documentary Project of the Year
Award of Excellence

Multimedia Documentary

The POYi competition is administered by the Missouri School of Journalism with additional financial support from Fujjifilm, MSNBC and National Geographic. Each year, images number in the tens of thousands from entrants around the world.