Students, faculty at AEJMC

Forty-five of the school’s students and faculty presented papers, lead sessions, participated in panels and made other contributions to the AEJMC annual convention held in Boston Aug. 5-8. The school's Ph.D. Alumni Association hosted a breakfast on Aug. 7.



Portrait of the Brand as an Extension of the Self: Effects of Self-Brand Connections and Argument Strength in Social Marketing • Christina Malik, UNC-Chapel Hill; Sriram Kalyanaraman, UNC-Chapel Hill • Research has shown that people’s relationships with brands are more complex than merely viewing the brand as favorable or unfavorable. We report results from an experiment that examined the interplay between self-brand connections (strong and weak SBCs) and argument strength (strong and weak arguments) in the context of a social marketing message. The results broadly support the heuristic systematic model (HSM) and suggest that both SBCs (heuristics) and arguments influenced persuasion, albeit in different ways. 3:30-5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Communication Theory and Methodology

Exploring Priming Effectiveness According to Media Modality and Valence • Temple Northup, UNC-Chapel Hill; Francesca Dillman Carpentier, UNC-Chapel Hill • There is a substantial body of literature that has demonstrated media act as primes that affect our thoughts or behaviors. Yet, relatively little attention has been paid to questions such as ‘which media content are more effective primes than others’ among the sea of media messages with which we are bombarded. 12:15 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

A Multi-dimensional Model of Involvement with News • Bartosz Wojdynski, UNC-Chapel Hill • In searching for elusive variables that moderate media effects, a frequently utilized concept has been that of involvement. Zaichkowsky’s (1985) widely adapted involvement scale is based on a three-dimensional view of involvement, in which products, advertisers, and purchase decisions serve as distinct targets of involvement. This paper relies on evidence from other research paradigms in mass communication to examine four potential components that may comprise distinct aspects of involvement with a news message. 12:15 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Critical and Cultural Studies

A Tale of Two Campuses: The (Un)covering of College Shootings • Temple Northup, UNC-Chapel Hill • On February 8, 2008, a shooting occurred at the Louisiana Technical College. Less than a week later, another shooting occurred at Northern Illinois University. While the former received virtually no media coverage, the latter was widely covered. A textual analysis examined local newspaper coverage of the two shootings, paying attention to language that highlighted class, race, and gender differences. Findings indicate the language used reinforced racial, gender, and class stereotypes. 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

Socialism’s Loss and Meat Safety’s Gain: The Agenda-Setting Power of Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” • Michael Fuhlhage, UNC-Chapel Hill • American lore holds that The Jungle, Upton Sinclair’s fictionalized exposé of squalor in Chicago’s meatpacking houses, is responsible for the creation of the FDA. But Sinclair’s intent was to elevate consciousness of the need for socialism, not to press for reform of meat safety. 3:30-5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.


Journalist Privilege in 1929: Sen. Arthur Capper and the Start of the Shield Law Movement Dean Smith, UNC-Chapel Hill John Henry Wigmore, the great legal treatise writer and expert on evidence, was wrong at least once. In 1923, when Maryland still had the nation’s only statutory shield law to protect journalists from compelled disclosure of confidential sources, Wigmore declared it “as detestable in substance as it is crude in form,” and he predicted that it “will probably remain unique.” 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

The Movement to Lower the Voting Age: The Legitimizing Function of the Media • Jason Moldoff, UNC-Chapel Hill • This research asks how the struggle to lowering the voting age to 18 in the 1960s was told through the pages of the New York Times. The news and editorial pages of The New York Times provide a vivid illustration of the changes in arguments for and against lowering the voting age, and offer evidence of increased awareness of the importance of media coverage on the legitimization and success of the movement. 8:15 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Off our backs’ Controversial Coverage of Pornography: The “pornography war” of 1985 • Mackenzie Cato, UNC-Chapel Hill • Off our backs, the longest running radical feminist publication, worked diligently to cover significant issues related to the women’s movement. Labeled the “pornography wars,” heated debates surrounding pornography took place within the pages of off our backs throughout the eighties. These debates dominated coverage and presented two conflicting viewpoints within the feminist movement. 1:30-3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Voicing Opinions in the Face of Change: An Analysis of Norfolk Newspaper Readers’ Feedback During Virginia’s Massive Resistance • Lynette Holman, UNC-Chapel Hill • In 1958, Virginia’s political leadership chose to close public schools in three districts rather than follow the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 directive in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas and allow black children to enter schools with white students. The effort resulted in the September 29, 1958 closure of six formerly white secondary schools in Norfolk by Gov. Lindsay Almond and displaced nearly 10,000 students. 1:30-3:00 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

CEOs’ Letters to the Editor: Executive Participation in the Public Forum, 1970 - 1995 • Nell Ching Ling Huang, UNC-Chapel Hill • This qualitative study explores chief executive officers’ (CEOs) letters to the editor in The New York Times during a 25-year period. While CEOs today are able to directly address their stakeholders through the Internet, the letters section was a key way to reach the public in the 1970s and even into the 1990s. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Juggernaut in Kid Gloves: Inez Callaway Robb, 1901-1979 • Carolyn Edy, UNC-Chapel Hill • Inez Callaway Robb, in her 50-year career as a reporter, society editor, WWII correspondent, and columnist, wrote more than 10,000 articles, syndicated to about 150 newspapers. This biographical essay uncovers Robb’s life and writings, while considering the apparent contradiction of her work, corresponding from more than 40 countries around the world, while advocating traditional gender roles and opposing equal rights for women. 5:15-6:45 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Beer Belongs: A Historical Analysis of the U.S. Brewers Foundation’s Advertising Campaign to Normalize Beer Consumption in Post-War America • Christina Malik, UNC-Chapel Hill • From 1945 to 1958 the United States Brewers Foundation (USBF) ran an advertising campaign targeted to reach American women with the message that beer is a socially acceptable beverage.
8:15 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8.

International Communication

Moderating effect of collectivism on Web-based customization: An exploratory study with tailored and targeted messages • Cong Li, University of Miami; Sriram Kalyanaraman, UNC-Chapel Hill • Web-based customization is widely adopted in a variety of domains today. Current conceptualization of customization is to provide individualized messages to message recipients based on their particular needs or preferences. A growing body of empirical research has shown positive effects for customization, suggesting that customized messages generate stronger memories and more favorable attitudes than non-customized ones because they match message recipients’ need for unique self identity. 3:15-4:45 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8.

Law and Policy

Truth Be Told: An Analysis of how the FDA is Interpreting “True Statement” Regulation Standards for Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising Sheetal Chhotu-Patel, UNC-Chapel Hill Direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements are legally required to provide a “true statement,” of drug information. This study analyzes how the FDA interprets the true statement requirement by examining 68 regulatory letters. With a few exceptions, the FDA interpreted literally the complaint categories of omission of material information, unsubstantiated comparative claims, overstatement of efficacy, and broadening of indications. Inclusion of risk information and how risk information is presented were more broadly interpreted. Implications are also discussed. 8:15 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

We All Need Somebody To Lean On(Line): Can Promises of Confidentiality Protect Digital Self-Disclosure? Woodrow Hartzog, UNC-Chapel Hill Conventional wisdom dictates individuals can have no expectation of privacy when disclosing information online. This paper examines how promises of confidentiality might legally affect the self-disclosure of information on online social networks. It concludes that the doctrine of promissory estoppel could serve to protect self-disclosure if, as a function of the online social network, explicit promises of confidentiality are required before disclosure occurs. However, a limited recovery for damages reduces the significance of this remedy. This paper was honored as the third-place student paper in the Law & Policy Division. 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Defining Matters of Public Concern Through State Court Decisions on Statutory Anti-SLAPP Motions. Autumn Shafer, UNC-Chapel Hill This research analyzes how courts have defined the key legal concept of matters of public concern through state court decisions involving anti-SLAPP laws with threshold requirements of public concern. Factors such as whether the case involved media, government, the topic, online expression or the original SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) are evaluated for their role in how courts have determined if a matter is of public concern. Implications to First Amendment jurisprudence are discussed. 5:15-6:45 p.m., Friday, Aug. 7.

Statutory Shield Laws in Constitutional Orbits: Rise of the ‘Covered Person’ Issue Dean Smith, UNC-Chapel Hill With the election of President Barack Obama, passage of a federal shield law protecting journalists from compelled disclosure seems certain. It also seems certain that the scope of the law’s protection – its ‘covered person’ definition – will continue to be a source of rancor. A curious feature of debate has been the prominence of constitutional rhetoric in a discussion about statutory law. 8:15 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8.

False Sense of Security: The impact of FERPA’s campus crime provision on the release of student records related to campus safety. Jennifer Harlow, UNC-Chapel Hill Despite recent tragic events on college campuses, the federal student privacy law continues to impede information-sharing critical to campus safety. FERPA was amended in 1992 to allow access to campus law enforcement records following the Student Press Law Center v. Alexander decision. This paper reviews court cases and legislative action to address how FERPA has been applied in questions involving access to campus security since that amendment. 10-11:30 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 8.

Mass Communication and Society

Usefulness of Environmental News Coverage, Risk, Personal Efficacy and Information Sufficiency • Brooke Weberling, UNC-Chapel Hill; Jennette Lovejoy, Ohio University; Daniel Riffe, UNC-Chapel Hill • This study uses telephone survey data (N=511) to examine relationships among exposure/attention to and usefulness of newspaper, television, and Web environmental news coverage; information sufficiency (IS); personal efficacy (PE); and environmental risk. Attention to news was positively related to IS and PE, but perceived usefulness of news coverage did not correlate with IS or PE. Attention to and usefulness of Web coverage significantly predicted perceived local environmental risk. 8:15-9:45 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

Living in a Material…Web? Gender and Materialism on Children’s Toy Web Sites • Christina Malik, UNC-Chapel Hill; Bartosz Wojdynski, UNC-Chapel Hill • Research has shown that exposure to affluence and materialistic behavior in media over time is correlated with materialistic values in consumers. Growth in Web use by children has given marketers a new avenue to reach these consumers. This study undertook a content analysis of children’s toy-affiliated Web sites to document the frequency and types of materialistic behaviors present on children’s Web sites, and analyze differences between how consumer values are imparted to boys and girls. 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Asking Mom: Mothers’ Reactions to Theory-Based Messages to Vaccinate Daughters Against HPV • Autumn Shafer, UNC-Chapel Hill; Joan R. Cates, UNC-Chapel Hill • Significant disparities in cervical cancer exist in the United States based on race, socioeconomic status and geographic region. This study reports findings of message testing in the rural Southeast, in which ethnically diverse mothers and female caregivers were asked to provide their opinions about two potential theory-based message campaigns targeted to mothers of 11 and 12 year old girls who have not been vaccinated against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes cervical cancer. 5-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

e-Patients with Chronic Illnesses: Analyzing the Commonalities and Differences among Three On-line Groups Andrea Meier, UNC-Chapel Hill (School of Social Work); Bret Saw, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Judith Feder, Brodeur Partners; Eulalia Puig Abril, University of Wisconsin-Madison Researchers have studied online health information and support seeking strategies for cancer and common chronic illnesses, but there have been fewer studies of e-patients with other chronic conditions or comparisons across illness communities. This study seeks to inform the development of Health 2.0 resources for internet users living with chronic health problems by better understanding their current e-health information, support seeking behaviors and future needs. 5-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Media Ethics

Persistence of Narrative Persuasion in the Face of Deception • John Donahue, UNC-Chapel Hill (Dept. of Psychology); Melanie Green, UNC-Chapel Hill (Dept. of Psychology) • Individuals are persuaded by fiction, but left unanswered is whether individuals maintain attitude change when a story presented as factual is later shown to be inaccurate. In this experiment, the alleged truth status of a narrative was manipulated. Participants in two conditions were informed after reading the story it was inaccurate due to (1) unintentional inaccuracy or (2) intentional deception. Although readers derogated a deceptive author, they did not correct their attitudes due to inaccuracies. 10-11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

Short and to the Point: How More Ethical Online Headlines Might Help Restore Journalism’s Reputation • David Remund, UNC-Chapel Hill • Writing headlines for online media can pose an ethical challenge. The limited real estate and dense saturation on most news organizations’ landing pages means trouble for copy editors and reporters. They must be extremely succinct in their wording yet clever enough to somehow breakthrough the clutter. This paper examines the ethics of news headlines online, drawing upon a blend of primary and secondary research. 12:15-1:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Minorities and Communication

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: Racism in the Press and Congress during New Mexico’s Quest for Statehood • Michael Fuhlhage, UNC-Chapel Hill • This historical study examines the negative portrayals of Latinos in the popular press and in deliberations over whether to admit New Mexico as a state. The antecedents of modern Latino stereotypes abounded in newspapers, magazines, and books as well as in records of the House and Senate Committees on the Territories in 1848-1912. 1:30-3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.


When Reporters Blog: Gatekeeping in mainstream newspapers’ blog coverage of ongoing and breaking news events • Bartosz Wojdynski, UNC-Chapel Hill • This exploratory study sought to analyze whether news event blogs that are published by mainstream newspapers adhere to conventional journalistic norms with regard to sources both cited and referenced in links. Analysis of 416 blog posts from four separate ongoing and breaking news blogs show support for the extension of mainstream media’s traditional gatekeeping function to news blogs, in addition to newer functions such media criticism and rapid information dissemination.
11:45 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8.

Public Relations

Teaching Papers
Integrating Teaching and Research in Public Relations • Sun Young Lee, UNC-Chapel Hill • Many attempts have been made to account for the relation between teaching and research, and a great deal of attention has been focused on “what” are the nature of the relationships: positive, negative, or zero. Yet, more productive and meaningful way to discuss the topic will be focusing on “how” to better perform the two roles together. 5-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

The Emergence, Variation, and Evolution of CSR on the Media and Public Agenda, 1980-2004: The exposure of publicly-traded firms to public debate • Sun Young Lee, UNC-Chapel Hill; Craig Carroll, UNC-Chapel Hill • This study examines the emergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a public issue over 25 years using a content analysis from two national newspapers and seven geographically dispersed newspapers in the U.S. Unlike most other CSR studies, this study adopted a comprehensive definition encompassing all four CSR dimensions: economic, ethical, legal, and philanthropic. We examined newspaper editorials, letters, and columns connecting CSR as a public issue to publicly-traded companies. 8:15-9:45 a.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

The Right Words to Say: Implications of Regulation FD on Corporate Spokespersons • David Remund, UNC-Chapel Hill • This research investigates enforcement actions taken by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) since the issuance of Regulation FD in 2000. Regulation FD prohibits public companies and their employees from selectively disclosing material, non-public information. The SEC’s lack of clarity relative to materiality standards, though, has proven challenging in recent years for those who work in investor relations and corporate communications. 8:15-9:45 a.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Scholastic Journalism

Presentation on the Chuck Stone Program (3rd place winner in the Innovative Outreach to Scholastic Journalism paper competition) Napoleon Byars, UNC-Chapel Hill The session is for the Innovative Outreach winners. The 2008 Chuck Stone Program for Diversity in Education and Media was a week-long workshop was held in Carroll Hall on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, July 13-19, 2008. As a result of the generous contribution by the Gannett Foundation, the program brought together promising high school students of varying diversity from across the country. Twelve students, mostly rising seniors, traveled from as far away as Hawaii, Colorado, Indiana, Florida and Virginia to participate in the program. They joined their counterparts from North Carolina to make up the 2008 workshop class. 1:30-3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

Visual Communication

PHOTO FIXATION: Evaluating Web Site Conventions in Online News Slideshows • Lynette Holman, UNC-Chapel Hill; Laura Ruel, UNC-Chapel Hill • With the advent of more advanced software like Flash in 1996, and Soundslides in 2005, news entities have been able to produce their own slideshows with greater ease. The key question is which presentation conventions are most useful and effective in gaining and keeping the attention of the audience. 8:15-9:45 a.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Effects of Hyperlink Density on News Web Page Reading: An Eyetracking Study • Laura Ruel, UNC-Chapel Hill; Bartosz Wojdynski, UNC-Chapel Hill • Multiple theoretical models indicate that the complexity of Web pages affects how users interact with Web content. This study tracked participants’ eye movements to study the effects of hyperlink density on how users view, perceive, and recall content from online news Web sites. Results indicate that increased hyperlink density leads to an increase in number of stories viewed and alterations in link-reading patterns on the homepage itself, but has little effect on attitudinal measures. 8:15-9:45 a.m. Friday, Aug. 7.


Entertainment Studies

Truthiness of Fake News: Individuals’ viewing characteristics of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report • Jennifer Kowalewski, UNC-Chapel Hill; Daxton Stewart, Texas Christian University; Francesca Dillman Carpentier, UNC-Chapel Hill • Scholars have investigated how individuals have tuned in to soft news programs for political information; but, not a lot of research has investigated how viewing characteristics influence what programs individuals tune to for that information. Using survey research, this paper examines how viewing characteristics influence the viewing of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Both shows have become increasingly popular over time, especially for younger viewers who tune more to Comedy Central than CNN. 3:30-5 p.m. Friday, June 7.

Graduate Education

Social Viewing Among College Students Temple Northup, UNC-Chapel Hill While television is acknowledged to be a social medium, little research has examined the motivations of individuals who frequently engage in social viewing. In this study, uses and gratifications and the expectancy-value theories are used to predict social viewing. Results suggest there is a positive relationship between: (a) motivations based on uses and gratifications and participation in social viewing, and (b) students who felt their motivations were being met and anticipation of future social viewing.
3:15 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Internship and Careers

Teaching Session: Helping Students Find Their Voices and Improve Performance for Broadcast and New Media. Dave Cupp, UNC-Chapel Hill (attending via Skype); other panelists include Denise Dowling, Tim Hudson, Dale Edwards, Tony DeMars and Terry Anzur We spend years helping our students hone their electronic journalism skills, but how much of that time do we devote to improving their voices? Without strong presentation skills the on-air dreams of many will be dashed, sometimes in a matter of seconds, by news directors they will never meet. This panel brings together professionals and professors to exchange ideas, offer tips, and share resources to help our students sound credible and conversational in the artificial environment of broadcast journalism and new media. The focus is on practical advice for teachers who may have no formal training in voice or performance. 1:30-3 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 5.

What is Taught and What is Sought: An Analysis of Online Journalism Course Syllabi and Employment Ads. Michele Jones, UNC-Chapel Hill Since the emergence of online journalism in the mid-1990s, the news industry has changed rapidly. As the industry undergoes transitions, journalism schools try to improve curriculum and offer classes that will properly prepare students for jobs in modern newsrooms. As journalism schools and news organizations change, it is important to examine whether they are moving in tandem or independently of each other. Are journalism schools teaching the online journalism skills and concepts the news industry requires? The purpose of this study was to compare the skills taught in online journalism courses at several colleges and universities with the skills that employers seek in online journalism positions at news organizations. The study included analysis of online journalism course syllabi obtained from college and university programs accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) and an analysis of employment advertisements and online job postings to determine what differences and similarities exist between what is taught in online journalism courses and what skills and qualities employers seek in online news professionals. 5:15-6:45 p.m., Friday, Aug. 7.

Science Communication

Women’s Magazine Coverage of Heart Disease Risk Factors: Good Housekeeping Magazine, 1997 to 2007 • Carolyn Edy, UNC-Chapel Hill • Women continue to underestimate their risk for heart disease. A textual analysis of the portrayal of women’s risk factors for heart disease in articles published by Good Housekeeping magazine from 1997 to 2007 and in corresponding information endorsed by the American Heart Association found that the magazine coverage, while largely consistent with AHA information, targeted women at low risk for heart disease and never mentioned race as a risk factor. 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.

Small Programs

Great Ideas for Teachers Competition

Spot That Spam: How To Use Unwanted E-mail To Show How Grammar and Punctuation Affect Credibility. Andy Bechtel, UNC-Chapel Hill.
3:15 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 5


Status of Women

Does Gender Influence Students’ Evaluations of College Professors? A Qualitative Content Analysis of • Mackenzie Cato, UNC-Chapel Hill •, a rapidly growing online destination for students, now boasts more than 6.6 million user-generated ratings of more than 900,000 college professors. Students use the site’s free services to plan their class schedules and rate professors they have taken in the past. Does a professor’s gender play a dominant role in students’ evaluations? The purpose of this study is to qualitatively analyze students’ evaluative postings of college professors on the Web site 5-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

Framing Saint Johanna: Media coverage of Iceland’s first female (and openly gay) Prime Minister • Dean Mundy, UNC-Chapel Hill • On February 1, 2009, Johanna Sigurdardottir became Iceland’s first female (and the world’s first openly gay) prime minister. She inherited a collapsed government and economy, as well as a brief timeline to prove her abilities. Accordingly, Iceland’s unique international position represents a significant opportunity to understand how media frame the first female and first openly gay prime minister. 12:15-1:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7.

Susan Faludi’s Backlash: A Book’s Role in Building the Media Agenda for Coverage of Sexual Harassment in the Early ‘90s • Lynette Holman, UNC-Chapel Hill • This study investigates the notion that a book’s publication may have influenced the media agenda, or at least built it around the topic of feminism, and more specifically, the issue of sexual harassment. 8:15-9:45 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8.

A Descriptive Analysis of NBC’s Primetime Coverage of the 2008 Summer Olympics • Charles A. Tuggle, UNC-Chapel Hill; Kelly Davis, UNC-Chapel Hill • This study examines NBC’s United States broadcast coverage of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games for gender equality and compares that coverage to previous years. Olympic coverage is particularly important to female athletes because many receive little media attention beyond Olympic competition. The study found that, while female participation in the Olympics has increased, NBC coverage of women’s events has not, and 97% of airtime devoted to women’s events was confined to six “socially acceptable” sports. 3:15-4:45 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8.

The Self-Body Image: An Integrated Model of Body Image and Beauty Ideals • Temple Northup, UNC-Chapel Hill • While there has been no shortage of literature examining body image as well as beauty ideals, there has been relatively little that has tried to explore and explicate exactly what is meant by the terms body image or beauty ideal in mass communication research, and how those concepts are then related. Indeed, those terms are often used interchangeably. 3:15 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8.


8 am to 5 pm, Tuesday, Aug. 4.
Visual Communication Division
Workshop Session:
Beyond the Printed Page: Visual Communication Goes Interactive

Don Wittekind, UNC-Chapel Hill
Don Wittekind, UNC-Chapel Hill
Jennifer Palilonis, Ball State
Larry Dailey, Nevada-Reno

A van departing at 8 a.m. from the Sheraton’s main entrance (39 Dalton) will take participants to Boston University’s College of Communication, 640 Commonwealth Ave. and return them to the hotel at 5 p.m. Lunch at BU will be provided.

1-6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 4.
Topic IV — The Future of Teaching Editing: What Should Students Learn?

Susan Keith, Rutgers
Rick Kenney, Central Florida
Andy Bechtel, UNC-Chapel Hill
Jill Van Wyke, Drake

1:30 pm to 4 pm, Tuesday, Aug. 4
Civic & Citizen Journalism and Community Journalism Interest Groups
Workshop Session:
Citizen Journalism and Media Literacy in the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks
Nikhil Moro, North Texas
Debashis “Deb” Aikat, UNC-Chapel Hill
David London, American, Cairo
Douglas Fisher, South Carolina
Ben Ilfeld, Sacramento Press

11:45 am to 1:15 pm, Wednesday, Aug. 5
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Teaching
Teaching Panel Session: Best Practices in the Teaching of Diversity Competition
Debashis “Deb” Aikat, UNC-Chapel Hill
First Place:Civic Engagement, New Media and Journalism: A Template for the Organic
Incorporation of Diversity into a New Journalism Curriculum, Joel Beeson, West Virginia
Second Place:Professor for a Day, Lisa E. Baker Webster, Radford
Third Place:Voices of Utah,Kimberley Mangun, Utah
Honorable Mention I, In-Depth, on the Streets: The Impact of Interviewing in Teaching Media and Diversity, Carol Liebler. and Hinda Mandell, Syracuse
Honorable Mention II:Multimedia Urban Reporting Lab (MURL), Christopher Harper, and Linn Washington, Temple
Honorable Mention III: Exploring Our Personal Biases as, Journalists: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Sue Ellen Christian, Western Michigan,
Kenneth Campbell, South Carolina (respondent to winning entries) and
Debashis “Deb” Aikat, North Carolina at Chapel Hill (discussant for teaching of diversity ideas)
The AEJMC Teaching Committee selected winning entries. Attendees will receive a free booklet of winning entries, which feature a wealth of ideas. The AEJMC Teaching Committee has sponsored the Best Practices Competition for four years.

11:45 am to 1:15 pm, Wednesday, Aug. 5.
Communication Technology Division
Refereed Paper Research Session: The Impact of the Web 2.0 on the 2008 Presidential Election
Bart Wojdynski, UNC-Chapel Hill

Did Social Media Really Matter? College Students’ Use of Online Media and Political Decision
Making in the 2008 Election
Matthew Kushin and Masahiro Yamamoto, Washington State
Tracking the Blogs: An Evaluation of Attacks, Acclaims and Rebuttals Presented on Political Blogs During the 2008 Presidential Election
Robert Wicks, Amy Mertensmeyer, Gregory Blackburn, and Tiffany Fields, Arkansas
A Content Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Candidates’ YouTube Sites
Juliann Cortese and Jennifer Proffitt, Florida State
Facebook. MySpace. Two-faced?: Credibility of Social Network Sites for Political Information
Thomas J. Johnson, Texas Tech, and Barbara Kaye, Tennessee
Wayne Wanta, Oklahoma State

1:30-3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.
Advertising Division and Graduate Studies Interest Group
PF&R Panel Session:
This is SportsCenter: The selling of sports and sports personalities

Sheri Broyles, North Texas
Selling Tiger, Kobe and Maria in a new global marketplace
John Sweeney, UNC-Chapel Hill
Advertising and sports and ESPN: Is this a great job or what?
Roger Baldacci, Executive Creative Director, Arnold Worldwide
From Beijing to Madison Avenue: The challenges of translating Olympic Gold into commercial success
Sharianne Walker, Center for International Sport Business, Western New England College
The realities of pro athlete endorsement deals: The athlete and agent perspectives
Jim Masteralexis, Attorney and Founding Partner of DiaMMond Management Group/MLBPA Certified Player Representative

3:15 pm to 4:45 pm
Mass Communication and Society, Communication Technology and Cultural and Critical Studies Divisions and Commission on the Status of Women
Mini-plenary PF&R Panel Session:
Issues and Agendas of Campaign 2008
H. Dennis Wu, Boston
Who Set the Agendas and How Did They Do It?
Tobe Berkovitz, Boston
Visual Images’ Influence on Campaigns
Renita Coleman, Texas at Austin
Characterizations of Marriage and Motherhood in Press Releases of the Palin and Clinton Campaigns
Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Pennsylvania State
The Disappearance of Campaign Gatekeepers
Tom Fiedler, Boston
Agendamelding: How Voters Mix Media Messages to Create Compatible Community
Donald Shaw, UNC-Chapel Hill
A Steady Message at the Mic: The Rhetorical Power of Consistency and Change in the 2008 Presidential Campaign
Tammy Vigil, Boston
Were We Looking at the Same News?
Maria Williams-Hawkins, Ball State

3:15 pm to 4:45 pm, Wednesday, Aug. 5.
Community College Journalism Association, Small Programs Interest Group, Scholastic Journalism Division and Graduate Education Interest Group
Mini-plenary Teaching Session:
Great Ideas For Teachers (GIFT) 2009 – 10 Years of Terrific Teaching Tips!
Edna R. Bautista, Benedictine

The 2009 GIFT Scholar grand prize winner will be announced at the beginning of the session. Door prizes also will be given away at this interactive poster fair! The program honors all GIFT scholars from 2000-2009 during its 10th anniversary for innovative pedagogy in journalism and mass communication.

Spot That Spam
How to use unwanted e-mail to show how grammar and punctuation affect credibility
Andy Bechtel, UNC-Chapel Hill
Judge Judy Goes to Class
How to use a court TV show to help students cover two sides of a story
Kris Boyle and Carol Zuegner, Creighton
Don’t Mind Me…
How to get students to capture conversation, evaluate stereotypes and come up with culturally relevant story ideas
Susan Brockus, California State-Chico
Law and Disorder
How to cover court trials
Laura Castaneda, Southern California
Every Intersection Has a Story
How to engage students in the community outside the university bubble, allow them to develop their own journalistic story ideas, and help them overcome their reluctance to talk to strangers
Angie Chuang, American
The Super Bowl of Advertising Courses
How to get all majors pumped up about advertising
Bonnie Drewniany, South Carolina
Media Diary 2.0: Time, Money, Text Messages and Media Multitasking
How to inspire students to think critically about the true costs of digital media
Jennifer Fleming, California State-Long Beach
Refrigerator Stories
How to use (pseudo) observational research to draw conclusions and create profiles
Kendra Gale, Colorado at Boulder
“Creeping” Around Students’ Facebook Pages
How to stimulate excitement for a research methods course
Dina Gavrilos, St. Thomas
Roll the Dice for Diversity
How to roll a role to introduce diversity
Joel Geske, Iowa State
Research-Informed iPhone Design: Where Students and Users Meet
How 20 students and six faculty from four departments created interactive iPhone advertising and news content - and survived
Michael Hanley and Jennifer Palilonis, Ball State
The Keys to the Kingdom
How to teach information fluency through a campus sunshine audit to unlock the secrets of government
Rick Kenney, Central Florida
(Web)Monkeying Around in the Classroom
How to use new technology in the classroom
Michael Kent and Maureen Taylor, Oklahoma
Stylebook Scavenger Hunt
How to reinforce editing skills by using online search engines and Web sites to find and collect examples of AP Style
Jan Leach, Kent State
Wasting Away?
How to engage students in television history through critical interaction with Minow’s “Vast Wasteland” speech
Susan L. Lewis, Abilene Christian
Hooray for Hollywood How to teach students to write active news leads
Tracy Lucht, Simpson
Posting to the Web in Real Time How to teach beginning news-writing students to rapidly report, file and revise stories online
Jamie Tobias Neely, Eastern Washington
Getting Speakers for Class When Their Schedule Matches Yours How to use video and audio conferences for classroom speakers
Gregory Pitts, North Alabama
Truly Viral Videos How to learn the rules of video reporting—by breaking them
Daniel Reimold, Nanyang Technical
So Unfunny You are Required to Laugh How to show Intro to Mass Communication students the subtlety of television manipulation
Chris Roberts, Alabama
Pulitzer Prize Winning Photos How to make mass communication history interesting
Jim Sernoe, Midwestern State
Creating Clouds of Beliefs How to visually display and share students’ personal codes of ethics
B. William Silcock, Arizona State
What’s Your Cover? How to harness Facebook fun to teach word and visual editing skills—and more
Leslie-Jean Thornton, Arizona State
How Do You Play When You Don’t Know the Rules?
How to raise student awareness of cultural bias and privilege
Jennifer Bailey Woodard, Middle Tennessee State
What Would You Do?: A Scripted Simulation of Journalistic Decision Making
How to use a scripted simulation to engage the students in critical thinking about the ethical decisions reporters face
Anne Golden Worsham and Emily Reynolds, Brigham Young

5 pm to 6:30 pm, Wednesday, Aug. 5.
History Division
Teaching Panel Session:
Journalism History in the JMC Curriculum: Prospects and Problems
John Coward, Tulsa
Jean Folkerts, UNC-Chapel Hill
Loren Ghiglione, Northwestern
Elliot King, Loyola-Maryland
Stephen Vaughn, Wisconsin-Madison

5 pm to 6:30 pm, Wednesday, Aug. 5
Mass Communication and Society and Magazine Divisions
Research Panel Session:
Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Agenda Setting
Francesca Dillman Carpentier, UNC-Chapel Hill
Exploring the Attribute Agenda-setting Effect of Political Candidates: Emotion in News Stories
Ingrid Bachmann, Texas at Austin
Mediators of Agenda-Setting
Joanne Miller, Minnesota
Resistance or Accessibility: Mediation of Event and Source-Driven Agendas
Lee Jolliffe, Drake
The Psychological Mechanism of Agenda-Setting: Applying A Cognitive Process Model to Consumer Perception of Cause-Related Marketing
Jason Jusheng Yu, Southern Illinois at Edwardsville

5 pm to 6:30 pm, Wednesday, Aug. 5
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Research
Award Panel Session: AEJMC Deutschmann Award: Recognizing David Weaver
Patricia A. Curtin, Oregon
Brooke Barnett, Elon
Brad Hamm, Indiana
Maxwell McCombs, Texas at Austin
Donald Shaw, UNC-Chapel Hill
2009 Recipient: David Weaver, Indiana

8:15 am to 9:45 am, Thursday, Aug. 6.
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
Group 1 Topic — New Media and Their Social Effects
Influences of Audience Feedback on News Content in Traditional and New Media: A Theoretical Evaluation
Gang (Kevin) Han, Iowa State and Donald Holeman, Syracuse
Analysis of Strength of Attribute Salience Among Elite News Web Sites in Terms of Attention and Prominence Levels
Jeongsub Lim, Austin Peay State
Old Theory, New Use: An Uses & Gratifications Revival in a New Media World?
Geoffrey Graybeal, Georgia
Consensual Invasion - A Path Model of How Facebook Users Conceptualize and Contextualize Privacy
Christopher Brott, Kansas
Sri Kalyanaraman, UNC-Chapel Hill

8:15 to 9:45 am, Thursday, Aug. 6.
Dow Jones Newspaper Fund
Workshop Session:
Breakfast of Editing Champions
Deborah Gump, Committee of Concerned Journalists, Bill Cloud, UNC-Chapel Hill, Andy Bechtel, UNC-Chapel Hill.
A working gathering for editing professors and others interested in the craft of editing. The focus is on training students for a multiplatform career, with special emphasis on handling professional pressures unique to the online world. Our discussion on the future of editing will be joined by Boston-area journalists. In addition, Bill Cloud will lead the annual Teaching Idea Exchange to share classroom tips and strategies.

11:45 a.m-1:15 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.
Alternative Press: Thriving or Simply Surviving?
Dean Mundy, UNC-Chapel Hill

1:30 pm to 3 pm, Thursday, Aug. 6
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Elected Standing Committee on Teaching
Roundtable Session: Doctors Are In
Diana Rios, Connecticut-Storrs
Topic III — Online Tools: Enhancing Your Teaching, Advantages and Challenges of Newer Technologies, Regular Courses, Blended Courses, Online Courses
Jennifer Greer, Alabama
Debashis “Deb” Aikat, UNC-Chapel Hill

This is where speed dating meets group therapy, all in the name of better teaching. The elected Standing Committee on Teaching will host this teaching consultation session. How does it work? There will be five simultaneous discussions going, and attendees will select one. Every 20 minutes the chimes will sound and participants can move to another area, or stay in the same one.

5-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6
Does Journalism and Mass Communication Research Matter?
Dan Riffe, UNC-Chapel Hill
John Hamilton, Louisiana State University
Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Bowling Green University
Robert Picard, Jonkoping International Business School, Sweden
Rob Logan, National Institute of Health
John Pavlik, Rutgers University

8:15 am to 9:45 am, Friday, Aug. 7, 2009
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on TeachingPanel Session:
So Many Projects, So Little Time: FacultyConcerns over Balancing Teaching, Research, Service and Life
Deb Aikat, UNC-Chapel Hill
The Stress of Earning Tenure
Doug Anderson, Pennsylvania State
Will Norton, Nebraska-Lincoln
David Perlmutter, Iowa-Iowa City
Learning to Say No While Not Alienating Your Colleagues or Chair
Marianne Barrett, Arizona State-Phoenix
Gracie Lawson-Borders, Wyoming-Laramie
Work-life Challenges for a Parent
Sheri Broyles, North Texas
Jacqueline Lambiase, Texas Christian

Following brief remarks by each panelist, participants at this interactive session will have their anonymous questions answered by members of the panel. Participants will write their questions and pass them to the moderator. That way their question would be truly anonymous. No pre-registration required for this roundtable session. All are welcome.

11:45 am to 1:15 pm, Friday, Aug. 7.
Communication Technology Division
Refereed Paper Research Session:
Engaging Target Audiences Online
Christina Malik, UNC-Chapel Hill
Exploring eWOM in Online Consumer Reviews: Experience versus Search Goods
Jinsoo Kim and Jaejin Lee, Florida
The Exploratory Study of High Definition Advertising and Consumer Response
Jang Ho Moon,Texas at Austin; Jong-Hyuok Jung, Syracuse, and Wei-Na Lee, Texas at Austin
Comparisons Between Avatar Users and Non Avatar Users: People’s Personal Characteristics as Consumers and Their Attitudes toward Virtual World Advertising
Jay (Hyunjae) Yu, Louisiana State
Anti-Smoking Videos on Social Media: Comparative Analysis of the Persuasive Attributes on YouTube Videos
Hyunmin Lee, Missouri
James D. Ivory, Virginia Tech

1:45-3:15 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7
Business and Labor Reporting: Challenges, Criticisms, and Responsibilities
Coordinated by: Bob Trumpbour (CCS)
Type: Professional Freedom & Responsibility
Sponsoring Divisions: CCS & MCS
Ted Glasser, Stanford University
Bonnie Brennan, Marquette University
John Trumpbour, Research Director, Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School
Chris Roush, UNC-Chapel Hill
Craig Carroll, UNC-Chapel Hill
Greg McCune, President, Society of American Business Editors and Writers, and Training Editor, Thomson Reuters

1:45 pm to 3:15 pm, Friday, Aug. 7.
Scholastic Journalism Division and AEJMC Council of Affiliates
PF&R Panel Session

Can We Capture and Keep Young Readers and Young Journalists?
Monica Hill, UNC-Chapel Hill
Regina Marchi, Rutgers
Rachel Davis Mersey, Northwestern
David Bulla, Iowa State
Amy Zerba, Texas at Austin and CNN

1:45 pm to 3:15 pm, Friday, Aug. 7.
Communication Technology Division and Graduate Education Interest Group
Refereed Paper Research Session:
Jung-Sook Lee Student Paper Competition Award Winners
Sue Robinson, Wisconsin-Madison
Information Hierarchy in Web 2.0 Context: An Exploratory Study of ‘Folksonomy’*
Kyounghee Kwon and Shin-il Moon, SUNY-Buffalo
Senior Scholar Discussant: Sriram Kalyanaraman, UNC-Chapel Hill

5:15-6:45 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7
How to Find a Good Job in a Bad Economy: Strategies for New PhDs: Entering the Job Market When the Market is in Chaos
Carol J. Pardun, South Carolina
An Overview for Newly Minted PhDs
Anne Johnston, UNC-Chapel Hill
The Advantages of the Academic Life at a Small, Liberal Arts College
Brian Carroll, Berry College
Strategies If You Have One More Hear Until You Graduate
Jessalynn Strauss, Oregon
Considering Industry Options While Looking for an Academic Job
Miron Varouhakis, South Carolina
The International Angle: Landing an Academic Job Abroad
Dan Reimold, Fulbright Scholar

5:15-6:45 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Interest Group
PF&R Panel Session: News Coverage of Gay Marriage in the States: The Massachusetts Example
Rhonda Gibson, UNC-Chapel Hill
Chris Burnett, California State, Long Beach
Michael Lavers, EDGE Publications
Dean Mundy, UNC-Chapel Hill

1:30 pm to 3 pm, Saturday, Aug. 8
Cultural and Critical Studies Division and Commission on the Status of Women
PF&R Panel Session:
White Guys Interrupted: News Media Stumble When Feminine and “the Other” Join the Race for President
Jacqueline Lambiase, Texas Christian
Feminine vs. Feminist: Media Representations of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin
Tracy Everbach, North Texas
Obama and the Race Card
Neil Foote, North Texas; chair, National Association of Multicultural Media Executives Misogyny Online: A View From the Blogs
Barbara Friedman, UNC-Chapel Hill


10-11:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 6
Integrity of the Review Process

How well do the refereed papers presented at AEJMC reflect the state of the organization and the disciplines we represent? How well does our real-life paper selection process match the ideal? How does the AEJMC approach to judging research and teaching papers compare with our peer organizations? A panel of scholars discuss the findings of the summer 2009 survey of member perceptions of the AEJMC competitive paper selection process. Comprising members of the Talk Force on Integrity of the Review Process and the Standing Committee on Research,the panel represents a cross-section of methodological and theoretical approaches to mass communication.
Julie Andsager, University of Iowa
Elizabeth Dougall, UNC-Chapel Hill
Jack McLeod, University of Wisconsin-Madison
John Pauly, Marquette University
Earnest Perry, University of Missouri-Columbia


6:45 pm to 8:15 pm, Thursday, Aug. 6
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Maryland, Syracuse University;
Pennsylvania State University and Indiana University Social
Jean Folkerts, UNC-Chapel Hill;
Kevin Klose, Maryland;
Lorraine Branham, Syracuse;
Douglas Anderson, Pennsylvania State;
Bradley Hamm, Indiana

7 am to 8 am, Friday, Aug. 7.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ph.D. Alumni Organization
Breakfast Session: Alumni Breakfast
Johanna Cleary, president, Florida
By invitation only.

10 am to Noon, Friday, Aug. 7.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
General Business Session: AEJMC Business Meeting
Barbara B. Hines, Howard, AEJMC 2008-09 President
Award Presentations:
Paul J. Deutschmann Award
Recipient: David Weaver, Indiana
Hillier Krieghbaum Under-40 Award
Recipient: Kimberly Bissell, Alabama
Baskett Mosse Award for Faculty Development
Recipient: Barbara Friedman, UNC-Chapel Hill
Nafziger-White-Salwen Dissertation Award
Recipient: Leigh Moscowitz, College of Charleston
Lionel C. Barrow, Jr. Award for Distinguished Achievement in Diversity Research &
Recipient: Paula Poindexter, Texas at Austin