Former Nike exec to speak

Former Nike exec to speak

Kirk Stewart will give a public lecture - "Creating Corporate Reputation Through Strategic Communications" - on Nov. 20 at 4 p.m. in Murphey 116 on the Carolina campus. His talk is sponsored by the Carolina Observatory on Corporate Reputation.

Stewart, who comes to Chapel Hill as a Hearst Visiting Professional at the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media, is executive vice president and leader of the corporate communication practice at APCO Worldwide with 25 years of experience in public relations and public affairs.

Stewart served as global vice president of corporate communications for Nike. He joined Nike in 1997 after serving as chair and chief executive of the global public relations firm Manning, Selvage & Lee. During his eight years with Nike, Mr. Stewart was responsible for corporate media relations, brand communication, crisis and issue management, internal communication, community affairs, sustainable development and stakeholder engagement. He also co-led the global corporate responsibility team and helped Nike become recognized as a leading corporate citizen.

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