National Geographic PhotoNight

National Geographic PhotoNight, Oct. 28

Photojournalist Chris Rainier, a National Geographic Fellow, will present his work Tuesday, Oct. 28, in a free, public event at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media.

Rainier’s talk, part of the school’s PhotoNight series sponsored by the UNC chapter of the National Press Photographer’s Association, begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Carroll Hall auditorium.  

Rainier co-directs the National Geographic Society’s Cultural Ethnosphere Program and the All Roads Photography Program. He is a contributing editor for National Geographic Traveler magazine; a contributing photographer for National Geographic Adventure magazine; and a correspondent on photography for National Public Radio’s “Day to Day” program. Rainier also heads National Geographic’s Enduring Voices Project that documents the world’s most endangered languages. He has traveled to all seven continents and gone on expeditions in Africa, Antarctica and New Guinea.

“My life’s mission is to put on film both the remaining natural wilderness and indigenous cultures around the globe,” Rainier said. “I use images to create social change.”

“Chris Rainier’s experience and vision in social justice photojournalism gives our students an opportunity to learn about the future of our industry,” said associate professor Pat Davison. “And it gives the community an opportunity to experience the best in photojournalism today.”

More information is available at