MTV taps student for election ’08

MTV chooses master’s student for “Choose or Lose” election project

As part of its “Choose or Lose” campaign, MTV named Carla Babb, second-year master’s student in the school, as North Carolina’s representative among 51 citizen journalists from every state and Washington, D.C. who make up “Street Team ‘08” that will cover the 2008 elections from a youth perspective and tailor their reports for mobile devices.  

The members will contribute weekly, multi-media reports (short form videos, blogs, animation, photos, podcasts) that will be distributed via a soon-to-launch WAP site, MTV Mobile, and to the more than 1,800 sites in the Associated Press Online Video Network.  

Carefully selected by MTV after an extensive nationwide search, the one-of-a-kind press corps will be armed with mobile media like laptops, video cameras and cell phones, and charged with uncovering the untold political stories that matter most to young people in their respective states.  

“Street Team ‘08” members represent every aspect of today’s youth audience – from seasoned student newspaper journalists to documentary filmmakers, the children of once-illegal immigrants to community organizers.  They are conservative, liberal, from big cities and small towns.  The tie that binds them all is a passion for politics and a yearning to amplify the youth voice during this pivotal election.  All of the “Street Team ’08” correspondents will begin reporting in January, after an intensive MTV News orientation in New York City.

“Recent MTV research shows young people believe their generation will be a major force in determining who is elected in the upcoming local and national elections,” said Ian Rowe, VP of Public Affairs and Strategic Partnership, MTV, “and Street Team ’08 will be a key way for our audience to connect with peers, as well as get informed and engaged on the local and political issues that matter to them most.  We’re proud to join with the Knight Foundation on this innovative experiment – which will also explore how coverage of youth-centric election issues can be an effective pathway to increased youth voter turnout and greater political and civic engagement.”

The “Street Team ’08” program is made possible by a $700,000 Knight News Challenge grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.  The Knight News Challenge, at, is an annual worldwide competition awarding $5 million for innovative ideas that use digital media to inform and inspire communities.  The Knight Foundation plans to invest at least $25 million over five years in the search for bold community news experiments.  

“We hope to find out whether or not our most important political event – the election of a president – matters to young people, and whether or not if matters more when it comes to them through the lens of their issues and the screen of their cell phone,” said Eric Newton, VP/Journalism, Knight Foundation. “We also hope to find out what important youth issues are being overlooked by traditional media as the Street Team coverage goes beyond the presidential horse race.”