College Photographer of the Year contest success

Carolina students won 13 awards in the 64th College Photographer of the Year contest, one of the most prestigious international collegiate photojournalism competitions.

UNC swept the multimedia projects large team category with gold going to Powering a Nation, silver to Hope and Hardship on Tobacco Road, bronze to Being Asheville and the honorable mention to Living Galapagos.

Three of the four places for small team multimedia projects also went to Carolina. The lead students on those projects were Nacho Corbella (gold), Chris Carmichael (bronze) and Eileen Mignoni (honorable mention). Corbella also won gold in the individual multimedia story category.

John Adkisson won bronze in spot news and an award of excellence in the portfolio category. Courtney Potter won silver in the international picture story category. Lisa Pepin won an award of excellence in features. Elizabeth Ladzinski won silver in the pictorial category.

Winners were announced Nov. 13 after six days of judging at the University of Missouri. The contest included more than 12,000 images and 226 multimedia projects by more than 600 photographers from 131 universities in 21 countries.

View the complete winners list.