AEJMC Southeast Colloquium accepts 10 research papers by Carolina graduate students

The 2010 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium featured 10 papers from nine Carolina graduate students. The UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media hosted the 35th annual colloquium in Chapel Hill March 11-13.

“The AEJMC Southeast Colloquium draws research paper submissions from faculty and graduate students at some of the very best journalism and mass communication programs across the nation each year,” said associate professor Michael Hoefges, who coordinates the school’s M.A./J.D. dual degree program and organized this year’s colloquium. “Having so many Carolina papers accepted through the blind-review process for presentation this year continues a strong tradition of research for which the program has been known for many years.”

Graduate students from Chapel Hill presented nine of the 28 papers in the Law and Policy Division – the most of any school. “It's especially gratifying to see so many of our graduate students presenting papers at the colloquium once again, particularly on the 35th anniversary of the very first colloquium, which was held right here in Chapel Hill,” said Hoefges.

The school is a recognized leader in teaching, research and public service. In a 2009 report, the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications said the school “has earned a reputation as one of the premier programs in journalism and mass communication.”