Summer school registration

Whether you need to take required classes in the J-school, get a jump on taking core classes in your chosen area of study, or even take some journalism electives that interest you, the school will offer a wide array of courses this summer to suit your needs.

You can choose from required courses for all students in the school, such as JOMC 153 ”Newswriting” and JOMC 340 “Mass Communication Law and Ethics.” You can also choose from required courses in your chosen concentration, such as JOMC 279 “Advertising and Public Relations Research.”

Three courses will be offered in a five-week online structure in first session.  The school also will offer courses that count in several immersions.  JOMC 490.1 (First Summer Session) will count towards "Mass Communication Theory" or "Communication Online."  JOMC 490.2 (First Summer Session) will count towards "Communication Online."

View the Summer 2010 schedule of J-school classes.