Students win SPJ Region 2 awards

UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media students were part of 20 awards in the Society of Professional Journalists’ Region 2 Mark of Excellence Awards.

The winners – for work produced during the 2010 calendar year – were selected from almost 4,000 entries. Honorees were awarded certificates at the April 9 Region 2 SPJ Spring Conference held in Norfolk, Va. First place regional winners will advance to the national round of judging. National winners will be announced in early May.

UNC winners:

In-Depth Reporting
Shane Ryan, First Place
The Hillside Journey,

Best Independent Online Student Publication
Carolina Photojournalism and Universidad Pontifica Catolica de Argentina, Second Place
Now What Argentina?

Online Feature Reporting
Carolina Photojournalism and Universidad Pontifica Catolica de Argentina, First Place
Now What Argentina?

Caitlyn Greene, Second Place
One of the Boys

Online News Reporting

Lauren Frohne and Jessey Dearing, Second Place
Splitting Main Street,

Mike Ehrlich and Elena Rue, Third Place
Power Play: Story of a Startup,

Online Sports Reporting
Pressley Baird, Kristen Long and Seth Wright; First Place
NCAA Probe: Staying in Bounds,

Best All-Around Radio Newscast
Carolina Connection, First Place

Radio Feature
Reema Khrais, First Place
A Day with the Homeless

Alletta Cooper, Second Place
Painted People

Radio News Reporting
Reema Khrais, First Place
Brew to You

Michael Tomsic, Second Place
Rally to Restore Sanity

Radio In-Depth Reporting
Carolina Connection staff, First Place
NCAA Football Investigation

Radio Sports Reporting
Adam Salloum, First Place
UNC Cheerleaders

Stefano Rivera, Second Place
Matt Harvey profile

Best All-Around Television Newscast
Carolina Week, Second Place

Television In-Depth Reporting
Bethany Tuggle, Second Place
Student Fees

Television Sports Reporting
Justin Page, First Place
Cost of Athletics

Eddie Sykes, Third Place

Best All-Around Daily Student Newspaper
The Daily Tar Heel, Second Place