Heelprint Communications lands account with Cherokee private equity

Heelprint Communictions logoHeelprint Communications, the J-school's student-run creative communications agency, has landed its first major contract – with Cherokee, a private equity firm that specializes in brownfield redevelopment and invests in high-impact environmental business models.

Heelprint is charged with helping to attract 100 high-quality applicants for the Cherokee Challenge, a Cherokee pr

ogram designed to identify, fund and develop these environmental business ventures.

The team is using a three-prong strategy targeting motivated entrepreneurs and encouraging applications. The strategy includes a direct outreach campaign to environmental business thought leaders, bloggers and entrepreneurs in 10 cities across the country; a social media plan that leverages the students’ expertise with Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook; and online advertising with Google Adwords and Facebook ads.

Students in UNC’s Ad Club and Public Relations Student Society of America founded Heelprint in 2009 and the agency has primarily served community and University clients pro-bono until this year. In the fall of 2011, Heelprint underwent a restructuring designed to make the agency sustainable through profitability, which led to landing the Cherokee account in February.

Adam Schifter and Fitch Carrere are Heelprint’s CEO and COO, respectively. Jacqui Johnstone is senior producer for the Cherokee account. Carrere met J.T. Vaughn, a UNC alum and Cherokee analyst who manages the Cherokee Challenge, at an event associated with Carolina’s entrepreneurship minor. Soon thereafter, the Heelprint team was pitching successfully for the account.

“Cherokee is a highly-respected firm and a great client to have in our portfolio,” Carrere said. “The account builds a great foundation for Heelprint both in attracting new clients and in recruiting the strongest talent to the agency. Plus we really believe in what Cherokee and the Cherokee Challenge stands for.”

Heelprint is supported by an endowment established by Charlie Adams and Jamie Jacobson of the Adams & Longino Advertising in Greenville, N.C. Jacobson also serves on the J-school’s board of advisers. Jim and Peggy Cobb of Florida also made a gift to help equip the agency with laptops, displays and software for their East Franklin Street offices.