Red States and Purple States — A Roundtable for Journalists Sept. 2, 2012 DNC

The roundtable featured special guests Judy Woodruff, senior correspondent of PBS NewsHour, and Scott Keeter, director of survey research at the Pew Research Center.?

Panelists included: Hodding Carter, University Professor of Public Policy and Leadership; Peter Coclanis, UNC history p.rofessor and director, Global Research Institute, co-editor, "A Way Forward: Building a Globally Competitive South"; Kareem Crayton, UNC professor of law, scholar on election laws; Jacquelyn Hall, UNC history professor and director emeritus, Southern Oral History Project; James Johnson, director, Urban Investment Strategies Center of Kenan Institute and Kenan Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship; Gene Nichol, professor of law and director, UNC Center on Work, Poverty and Opportunity; Jesse White, UNC adjunct professor of government and former executive director of Southern Growth Policies Board.

For more information and for materials presented at the event, visit: